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Headed out on tour but low on space and can’t justify the expense of an additional person traveling with you? Ben is available to remotely provide all of the same services as a Tour Manager, without the added cost of putting someone on the road. Just like hiring a normal Tour Manager, Ben will handle everything, including budgeting, routing, rider creation, travel logistics, hotel reservations, scheduling, advancing, tour book creation, VIP package implementation, production design and sourcing, hiring and managing crew and vendors, immigration documents & visas, credentials & guest list, and even remote settlement. Every detail will be shared through streamlined information distribution channels, all with constant 24-hour support from home. Ben is also fluent in industry software such as MasterTour and Artist Growth if the client prefers a truly digital Tour Management experience.


Don’t need complete Tour Management services but still looking for a little help? All services Ben offers can be priced a la carte. Only need a tour budget? Assistance booking hotels? Help with visas, manifests, or immigration documents? Just ask!


Costs vary depending on multiple factors. Contact Ben to discuss pricing for your tour’s specific needs!


Do you already have a TM on the road? Or a TM/FOH? Or maybe even a TM/Merch/Backline/Driver? Chances are, they have a lot on their plate each day and don’t necessarily have the time to complete a proper advance with every venue. Let Ben handle all of the advancing while your TM focuses on more important things out on the road! Ben will work with your team to build a tour information packet based on your specific needs and then thoroughly advance each show with the promoters and venue representatives. You will receive a detailed advance summary sheet for each show, leaving no questions unanswered and guaranteeing that your day will run as smoothly as possible with no surprises!


Contact Ben to discuss pricing!


Even in the digital age, tour itinerary books are still the industry standard in keeping everyone on your team informed and organized. Ben will work with you to build a detailed and complete tour book, which will be provided in a PDF digital format for you to distribute to your touring party. While digital tour books can easily be saved to phones and computers, if you wish to have physical itineraries printed, Ben works with a variety of partners who can make that happen. He even offers complimentary updating services after the fact; because it’s not called “The Book Of Lies” for nothing! Things will change; a show will be rescheduled, hotels will change, travel plans will be adjusted – Ben will update the digital copy of your itinerary as needed.

Information needed to get started:


  • Tour artwork

  • Confirmed routing (dates & venues)

  • Day off locations

  • Personnel lists & contact information

  • Tour related offices & vendors

  • Tour notes

  • Promoter & venue contact information

  • Hotel information

  • Flight information

  • Travel schedules & mileage information

  • Daily schedules & set times

Also included will be: 


  • Full-color maps for the countries of travel

  • Local currency & time zone information (if applicable)

  • Helpful information pages

  • Any other special requests you have made

Costs vary and depend on several factors, including the length of the tour, level of detail, printing needs, and turnaround time. Contact Ben to discuss pricing!


Anyone can spend a few minutes throwing basic information into Microsoft Word or Excel and then call it a day. But the difference between someone who only calls themselves a Tour Manager and an actual true professional is all in the details! Ben has spent years researching, collecting, and combing through thousands of tour-related documents from artists of all genres at all levels. Everything from riders to daysheets; picking and choosing the best parts and best layouts of each one, combining everything that matters and removing everything that doesn’t, creating what many in the industry have called perfect tour documents. Ben has always been known for his tour books, daysheets, and riders – each being so detailed, informative, easy to read, perfectly formatted, and well thought out that they have been stolen and ripped off by countless other Tour Managers. Ben is very proud of what he has created, so instead of keeping them all to himself, he has made his entire catalog of document templates available for sale.


  • Tour Books

  • Riders

  • Daysheets

  • Settlement Sheets

  • Accounting Sheets & Road Reports

  • Budgets

  • Stageplots & Input Lists

  • Guest Lists

  • Security Pass Sheets

  • Equipment Manifests

  • Merchandise Sheets

  • Advance Documents

  • Transportation Grids

  • Personnel Info Sheets

  • Setlists

  • Dressing Room Signs

  • Hotel Riders & Rooming Lists

  • Bus Stock Lists

  • VIP Package Advance Documents

  • And SO much more!

All documents are available in both SIMPLE (basic new artist) and ADVANCED (detailed headliner level) formats, and can be purchased either as blank templates to complete yourself, or, Ben can build a fully customized version specifically based on your needs.


Contact Ben to discuss pricing!

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